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Common Sense
Value Investing Tips and Hints
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- Remember, ALL Value Is Relative.
Manias exist from time to time, whether Tulips, Gold, Stocks or Objects
d'Art. You only get a bargain, when something is out of favor.
- Do NOT Get Greedy Leave Something for the
next guy. He has to have a reason to buy what you want to
sell. That may mean buying when you don't want to, and Selling when everyone
wants what you have.
- Enormously Over Valued Or Under Valued
Issue May Be That Way FOR A REASON And May Stay That Way
For Long Periods Of Time. Grossly undervalued stocks are usually that way
because something is Very wrong. Look for Moderate Under Valuation. That
way, you can avoid many problems, and wait for the market to recognize
the Value you see.
- No One Ever Goes Broke Taking A Profit.
If you do not monitize your profits they may not be there later. Don't
be afraid to take some chips off the table and put them in your pocket.
- Do Not Loose A Lot Of Money. If
Something you bought goes against you, get out as soon as you see your
mistake. Set a percentage of loss, or dollar amount that you are comfortable
to walk away from, and get out if things get that bad. There is always
another opportunity. Many short term trades have become long term investments.
If something goes down Half, It Must DOUBLE To Come Back. Do not try to
make up losses dollar for dollar. The markets do not know what you lost
and will not sympathize.
- Markets Pay For Taking Risk. The
less risk, the less reward. Know how much risk you are willing to take,
and set the amount of profit you seek. All stocks carry risk. For example,
Bonds with maturities longer than five years and Utility stocks can crash
when interest rates rise
- Do What Makes Things Better, Don't Do What
Makes Things Worse. It is better to buy something that is
going UP, and Sell something that is going Down. Adding more when something
is good, makes it better. More of something bad, usually makes things worse.
- Always Keep Some Dry Powder.
Dollar Cost Averaging can give you the discipline to buy more shares when
something is cheap, and fewer shares when something is expensive. Don't
rush to put your money to work. Invest gradually. Always keep some cash
on hand for unexpected opportunities or needs.
- Buy What You Know. Where
you work, or what your study or use, might give you an edge. Remember,
there are a lot of smart people out there, but you might see things in
your career or at the mall, that others will discover later. Invest in
what you know, you will have a better chance to get in and out at the right
- Don't Trade The Headlines.
The market is a discounting mechanism, it is always looking to the future.
By the time you read about something in the paper it may be too late to
get the benefits.
- Buy For A Reason And Know Your Exit Strategy.
Before you Buy, decide what would make you sell the stock. Buy
when you have a reason. Remember why you bought, and sell it if things
change. Don't find a reason to keep a stock for tomorrow, that you wouldn't
buy today. Do not worry about leaving money on the table. If your goal
is met, that is all you should expect.
- Buy Just 12-20 Stocks. You
must be able to follow the stocks you invest in, the more stocks you own,
the harder it is to monitor what happens to each of them. Diversification
can limit losses, but it can also limit gains.
- Look For Large Capitalization Stocks With
Large And Growing Cash Flows. Most of the time, bigger IS
better. Larger companies have more analysts following them and greater
visibility, and are less likely to have trouble someone does not see.
- Be wary of One Product Companies. Things
can change, do not put all your eggs in one basket.
- Do Not Chase Stocks Or Fads. Everyone
loves a winner, but when something is in great demand, it usually commands
a premium. When the hype goes away, so will the premium.
- Control Your Emotions. Quick
reflexes can be good. But acting without thinking, can lead you down the
wrong path. Know when to break the rules, but know the rules.
- Quality Common Stocks Have Always Provided
The Best Long Term Gains. If a companies earnings' prospects
remain constant or improve a much lower price for the stock diminishes
risk geometrically.
- Leave Trading And Foreign Stocks For Professional
Investors, unless you have specific Knowledge Of A Particular
- Don't Buy Or Sell Solely For Tax Considerations.
Death And Taxes Are Certainties. If you make money, you have to pay tax.
Spend your time thinking about making money. Pay what taxes you must, but
make as much money as you can.
- Diversify At Bottoms, Consolidate At Tops.
Buy more when things are cheap, buy less when things are expensive. Spread
out when markets are sold out, limit yourself to the best when markets
are expensive.
- Nothing Is Perfect. There
Is No Magic Bullet. Patient hard work and intelligent application of discipline,
will over time, always yield better results than spontaneous impulses.
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